Helpful advice to balance a corporate career, entrepreneurship, and motherhood.

Mothers are some of the strongest people. Whether they’re climbing the corporate ladder or
starting their own business, or a stay-at-home-mom, mothers find a way to do it all! Regardless
of occupation, here are some tips and tricks to help juggle it all while raising a family.
1. Build a support network: Whether it’s a spouse, babysitters, parents, neighbors, or an
administrative assistant, it is okay to ask for help! Mothers who work in the corporate
world need a support network of family, friends, colleagues, and professional
organizations that can provide them with practical and emotional support. Working
mothers should develop a support system at work, such as a mentor or a group of
colleagues who understand the unique challenges of balancing work and family life.
2. Communication is Key: It's essential to communicate with your support network to get
everyone on the same page. At the end of the day, they’re there to help you. It should
help relieve a few extra stressors that can arise in your daily agenda. Being transparent
about upcoming conflicts will help co-workers be aware of your needs and expectations
as a working mother. Be clear about your availability, and discuss any accommodations
you might need to balance work and family life.
3. Manage your time efficiently and effectively: “Time is money!” Time management is
critical for working mothers. You can use various tools, such as calendars, scheduling
apps, and to-do lists, to plan your day and prioritize tasks.
4. Set realistic expectations: Along with managing time efficiently, stay realistic with long
and short-term goals. Mothers should set realistic expectations for themselves at work
and at home. Taking on too much and poor planning will only lead to disappointment and
burnout. Set realistic goals to stay motivated, ambitious, and keep striving at tackling
your to-do list and both the office and home. Don't try to do everything perfectly, and
don't be afraid to turn to your support group when you feel you need it.
5. Prioritize self-care: It's essential to prioritize self-care to maintain your mental and
physical health. Make time for exercise, hobbies, and downtime to recharge and stay
productive. With this, having the “leaving work at work” mindset comes in handy. Don’t
let work take away from your personal time; whether it’s enjoying time with the kids
playing outside or taking a bubble bath, don’t let work overshadow some hard earned
and well deserved moments.
6. Be flexible: Flexibility is critical for working mothers. Try to find ways to work remotely,
adjust your schedule, or use vacation or sick leave when necessary to manage
unexpected family responsibilities. Also, being flexible in terms of motherhood can be
beneficial to you and your family. “Letting the little things go” will ultimately save yourself
extra stress trickling into the office and unwanted tension within your house.
7. Don't feel guilty: Mothers should not feel guilty for working and pursuing their career
goals. Remember that you are setting a positive example for your children, and your
contributions at work are valuable.
Motherhood is the most rewarding job a woman could have. However, motherhood doesn't have
to overshadow your career dreams and aspirations. In fact, it could be another reason why you
are a wonderful role model for your child. Whether you’re looking for a career change or decide
to further your education, it will all play into your role as a mother.
Denise Ochigbo, CEO of The Career Mompreneur, can guide you through uncertainty by
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mothers, women business owners, and female leaders form a firm understanding and
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Financial Coaching website for more information